About Us

3Commas was founded in 2017 as trading crypto directly on exchanges was difficult because you had to constantly monitor your positions in order to make any profit. This inspired the 3 commas team to build a reliable platform that can help stabilize earnings in crypto while taking away some of the emotions that might result in losses. Once the power of 3Commas was realized, we opened it to the world of crypto and the rest as they say is history.

After launch, user feedback poured in and slowly but surely has grown the platform to where it is today. By being a feedback-driven service, we have always remained and promise to remain user-centric in anything we develop for the 3Commas family.

About Our Bot

Making trading simple, comfortable, and profitable!

3Commas is a trading platform that helps you trade on crypto market exchanges since 2017. We’ve created a clear and transparent system that conducts transactions according to the parameters you set, and we have connected investment tools and financial protection algorithms to it. Our can users trade on 23 exchanges and automatically get profit using our trading bots, without wasting time on tracking quotes.

Support Channels


Pricing Options
  • FREE - $0 forever
  • STARTER - $29 with monthly payment
  • ADVANCED - $49 with monthly payment
  • PRO - $99 with monthly payment

While 3Commas doesn’t store your money and does not have the ability to withdraw or transfer funds from your exchange account, we highly recommend you go through this crypto-security checklist to feel confident about the security of your funds.

When working with an exchange:

  • Secure your exchange account with two-factor authentication (2FA).
  • Save 2FA backup keys in a safe place.
  • Use a strong and unique password/email for your exchange account.
  • When creating API keys don’t store secure API keys in a shared or accessible document.
  • Don’t send your API keys via a message to yourself or anyone.
  • Use separate API keys for different services.
  • When opening emails from an exchange be wary of phishing emails and ensure the authenticity of the sender.

When working with mobile devices:
Secure your smartphone with a PIN code.
Never give your device to anyone while the trading app is opened or with your Google Authenticator is accessible.
Always ensure that your backup codes are retrievable in the event your phone is lost or stolen.

When creating an account on 3Commas:

  • If you have created your 3Commas account with Facebook or Apple ID, be sure to enable 2FA on said services. Follow the instructions for Facebook and for Apple.
  • If you have created your 3Commas account with an email address and password:
  • Use the email address you are checking regularly (not a “spam address”)
  • Use a strong and unique password different from your email address.
  • Verify your email address (you will receive a link once you are registered).
  • Enable 2FA for your account in Settings.

When using 3Commas:

  • Hide your balance when you are sharing screenshots or your interface is viewable by others.
  • Log out from 3Commas if you are giving access to your device to someone.
  • Secure your device with a password or PIN and don’t leave it unlocked.
  • Don’t share your email_token in TradingView commands.

Following security measures is vital in cryptocurrency trading. Always remember that $100 worth of a token may become a fortune someday. So treat every penny with respect.

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